

Commit The Change @ UCI

Center Stage Dance Studio

ReactJS | PostgreSQL | Figma | RESTful APIs | ChakraUI | Tailwind CSS

Developing an efficient event-management platform to streamline class registration, studio bookings, and performance scheduling for Center Stage Dance Studio.


Personal Projects

Budget Buddy

ReactJS | TypeScript | Firebase | ShadCN | Tailwind CSS

A web application that allows college students who own businesses to make and organize expense summaries based on specific time periods that align with their business needs.


MLH Winter Hacklympics 2020

Goal For Gold

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Figma | Webflow

A mobile application that allows athletes involved in commonly-neglected sports, such as dance and figure skating,


JamHacks 2021

Cocorico Discord Bot

Python | Discord Dev Portal | Figma

An educational Discord Bot that can be added to school classes and clubs Discords to support the understanding of the app and its extensive features due to the increasing use of the online platform for communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hack APAC 2021


HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Figma

A mobile app that streamlines the search of volunteer and work opportunities for youth during the COVID-19 pandemic, with similar features to EventBrite.


Personal Projects

Portfolio Website

ReactJS | Next.js | TypeScript | Figma

My personal portfolio website that you are seeing right now! This Next.js web application showcases my plethora of web development projects and fun facts about me!

Angelina Wang | | San Jose, CA

portfolio crafted in 2024